
How do I make an appointment?

Simply call us at 949-489-2218 during our working hours.

Do I need a referral to make an appointment?

For your initial consultation, you will need to bring a referral letter from your physician to ensure that the specialist you are seeing is appropriate for you and your condition. Check with your insurance company to see if a referral is necessary. 

How long do I need time off work after the surgery?

The post-operative recovery period varies based on the particular surgery. Generally, it is recommended that patients take two weeks off work to recover from any surgery and to resume light duty following resumption of work. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions to follow for a successful recovery.

What are the treatment options for cataracts?
Please text Tayani Institute to 519519 to view a short video, or scan the QR code below:

76964846 a3cd 11ec b8ec 8e17cd0352bb 1

What can happen if surgery is avoided?

Depending upon the diagnosis, temporary or permanent loss of vision may occur without surgery.

What to bring for your initial consultation?

For your initial consultation, you will need to bring a referral letter from your physician if necessary.

Here is a checklist for your initial consultation:

  • Insurance Card showing Company Name , Insurance Plan Numbers / Group Numbers, Claim Mailing Address
  • ID or Driver’s License
  • List of Your Medications with dosage
  • List of any allergies  
  • Imaging as well as X-Rays from referring doctor and/or other test results  

We encourage you to come to your initial consultation with a written list of questions to ensure you don’t forget to ask them when you are seeing the doctor.